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Bouquet of 25 red roses
Bouquet of 25 red roses – delivery in Ukraine
Bouquet of 25 red roses – order with delivery
1559 uah
2398 uah
1759 uah
2706 uah
Composition: 25 red trojans, height 50-60 cm.
Quality assurance: The flowers will last 5 days or we will replace the bouquet
Nearest delivery time for today: From 09:00, if order payment is up to 08:30.
This gorgeous bouquet of 25 red roses is the perfect birthday flowers. Each petal of this bouquet is permeated with passion, revealing a unique dance of beauty and love. The bouquet symbolizes deep emotions and devotion. It inspires dreams and reveals the subtlest feelings. 

Its beauty and fragrance will enchant the recipient. This bouquet is a creative masterpiece that will leave a lasting impression. It will bring joy and love to the heart of your loved one and become an unforgettable symbol in your shared memories.

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