"Evening Kiev" bouquet
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11 spray pink roses, 11 spray cream roses, 5 pink roses, greenery, decoration. (The shade and variety of rose may differ from that shown in the photo)
Quality assurance: The flowers will last 5 days or we will replace the bouquet
Nearest delivery time for today: From 11:00, if order payment is up to 10:30.
The luxurious bouquet "Evening Kiev" is composed of magnificent pink and cream spray roses, as well as pink roses, elegantly wrapped in stylish packaging with a cream satin ribbon.
The unique, delicate pink roses are stunning, royally luxurious, and they capture attention, bringing peace and tranquility. Pink symbolizes romance, kindness, love, and tenderness. Pink roses are the beauty and elegance of any refined floral arrangement. They rightfully stand as a classic symbol of love, grace, and admiration.
The tender cream spray roses embody charm and enchantment. Their velvet cream-colored petals, gathered into perfect, exquisite buds, symbolize happiness, vitality, elegance, and divinity.
The splendid buds of pink spray roses, made up of tender, lively, velvety petals, represent touching emotions, joy, warmth, and admiration.
The "Evening Kiev" arrangement is lovingly assembled to express love to those who are dear and cherished.
This exquisite and emotional rose bouquet is as beautiful as the city of Kiev itself, which is always enchanting but becomes uniquely charming and mysterious at night. As the night falls, the city transforms, wrapped in mystery and illuminated by countless lights, making it irresistibly charming. It inspires walks, magical sunsets, and the desire to gift flowers to loved ones.
The luxurious bouquet "Evening Kiev" is a wonderful, touching gift for a birthday, anniversary, wedding day, or a child's birthday. The "Evening Kiev" arrangement is an excellent choice for confessing love, proposing, a romantic date, creating a festive atmosphere, a family celebration, or a photoshoot.
Give flowers! Give memories! They stay with us for a lifetime.
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