"The world begins with Mom" bouquet
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pink hydrangea, 3 branches of cream roses, gypsophila, greenery, decoration.
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Bouquet "The world begins with Mom" is made of tender, fishnet inflorescences of pink hydrangea, luxurious cream bush roses, sprigs of white gypsophila and sprigs of eucalyptus. Lush, saturated with air and pink color hydrangea is considered a symbol of good-naturedness, purity, warmth, energy. In the bouquet, the union of hydrangea and gypsophila emphasizes the beauty and grace of cream bush roses, gives the composition elegance, aristocratism, divinity. Cream roses symbolize the feeling of peace, tenderness, care, love, warmth of mother's eyes. Mom is the first love, the first kiss, the first friend, and the bouquet "The World Begins with Mom" is an opportunity to please her. Bouquet "The world begins with mom" will be a good gift for Mother's Day, for birthday or anniversary of a dear person. Such a gift will once again remind the woman that she is still beautiful, loved, always young for her beloved. She is remembered, she is loved. If you want to touch an angel, hug your mom and give her a bouquet "The world begins with mom" . Mom is the first word that means to us everything and something more.
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