"Khreshchatyk" bouquet
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4 alstroemeria mix, 8 branches of spray cream roses, 6 branches of spray pink roses, 3 gypsophila, greenery, decoration.
Quality assurance: The flowers will last 5 days or we will replace the bouquet
Nearest delivery time for today: From 13:00, if order payment is up to 12:30.
Express delivery: in 30 min.
Express delivery: in 30 min.
The luxurious bouquet "Khreshchatyk" is composed of pink and cream spray roses, alstroemeria, and airy gypsophila inflorescences, arranged in a stylish package with satin ribbons. The bouquet is crafted in a gentle, calm, and warm color palette. The magnificent buds of pink spray roses, made up of delicate, vibrant velvety petals, embody tender feelings, gentleness, joy, and warmth. Purity, spirituality, and divinity are manifested in the charming, elegant, perfectly shaped cream spray roses. The divine, mystical, legend-filled Peruvian lily – alstroemeria – symbolizes spiritual kinship, care, and closeness. Sincerity and love – tender, airy gypsophila inflorescences. The expressiveness, natural beauty, and fragrance of the flowers take our imagination to the street of joy and happiness, the main street of Kyiv – Khreshchatyk. Khreshchatyk – the longest street, immersed in clusters of endless chestnut trees, the space and freedom of spirit – the face of the capital. Khreshchatyk – the heart of Kyiv: cobblestone pavements, cozy cafes, glowing garlands, decor, green flowerbeds, and water fountains. Khreshchatyk – velvet, gold, thoughtful details, monumental buildings, luxury – a work of art. The luxurious bouquet "Khreshchatyk" is a wonderful gift for a birthday, anniversary, wedding, graduation ball, the birth of a child, professional holiday, or first date. The composition "Khreshchatyk" is an elegant solution for a romantic photoshoot. The bouquet "Khreshchatyk" is a perfect way to congratulate someone on personal achievements. Give flowers, and with them, kindness, love, tenderness, warmth, care, and peace!
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