Bouquet "Sweet Melody"
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7 branches of yellow and pink spray chrysanthemum, decoration.
Quality assurance: The flowers will last 5 days or we will replace the bouquet
Nearest delivery time for today: From 11:00, if order payment is up to 10:30.
Express delivery: in 30 min.
Express delivery: in 30 min.
The bouquet "Sweet Melody" impresses with its turbulent flow of colors. The rich colors and fragrance of chrysanthemums are reminiscent of the warmest melodies of autumn, giving a feeling of coziness and comfort. This bouquet will become an expressive symbol of your respect and tenderness, giving unforgettable impressions and joy to loved ones.
Like autumn leaves, flowers scattered over the bouquet and delight the eye with their colors. Their colors and shapes harmoniously complement each other, creating an atmosphere of warmth and coziness. A bouquet of beautiful chrysanthemums is a great choice to express your feelings and wish happiness and luck on your special day.
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