"Olga of Kiev" bouquet
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pink hydrangea, 3 pink roses, 2 branches of white spray chrysanthemum, gypsophila, 2 branches of cream spray rose, 2 branches of pink spray rose, greenery, decoration.
Quality assurance: The flowers will last 5 days or we will replace the bouquet
Nearest delivery time for today: From 09:00, if order payment is up to 08:30.
Bouquet "Olga of Kiev" - a chic composition made of luxurious pink hydrangeas and roses, sprigs of white chrysanthemums and gypsophila, cream and pink roses. Refined palette of the bouquet, shape and variety of colors convey the inner content of the composition. Openwork inflorescences of pink hydrangea - the embodiment of tenderness, love, grace, modesty. Calm, elegant creamy pink bush roses - mean purity, nobility, tranquility. Luxurious roses of rich bright pink color - an expression of appreciation, loyalty, gratitude, respect. White chrysanthemums - a symbol of spirituality, loyalty and trust. White gypsophila - sincerity, immortality. Gathered in a bright bouquet, these gorgeous flowers cause genuine admiration and lift the mood. They complement each other, emphasizing the beauty and tenderness of each flower. Bouquet "Olga of Kiev" looks luxurious, princely. As if collected as a gift to Princess Olga of Kiev - proud, but not arrogant, strong character, loyal, kind and charming, loving and beloved, merciful, ranked as a saint. Exquisite bouquet "Olga of Kiev" will be a wonderful gift for a favorite girl, wife, mother, colleague. Such a gift will be appropriate for any holiday: birthday, anniversary, engagement, Mother's Day, romantic date. Bouquet "Olga of Kiev" will make any woman feel like a real princess.
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