Bouquet "Lady Hamilton"
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"Lady Hamilton" bouquet is composed of delicate, luxurious coral and white roses, packed in a concise design with satin ribbon. Coral roses "Miss Piggy" - delight and charm, full embodiment of the image of feminine nature, tenderness, love. Glamorous, refined, fluttery, vibrant roses - "Miss Piggy", painted in warm colors of peach and delicate pink colors. Both, equally saturated, shades with a mild natural transition make this rose unique. In the bouquet, coral roses symbolize happiness, vitality, admiration, delight. White roses speak of purity, spirituality, happiness. White roses are a classic, something divine, light, detached from the earthly bustle. Bouquet of white and coral roses is a wonderful gift option for women of any age. Expressiveness, freshness, beauty of flowers make you feel irresistible, glamorous, charming, beloved. As Emma Hamilton felt many years ago - a friend of the Queen, wife of the lord, daughter of a peasant, companion of the Admiral, charming and intelligent woman remembered 200 years later. It’s hard to imagine a case where a bouquet of "Lady Hamilton" would have been unpleasant. Luxurious, chic bouquet - decoration of any holiday: birthday, anniversary, housewarming, childbirth. An excellent option of congratulations with personal victories, with the protection of diploma, graduation, completion of the project. Bouquet "Lady Hamilton" of coral and white roses will perfectly fit into the interior of any celebration, will decorate the photo studio at the photo shoot, will become a luxury decoration on advertising shooting.
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