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"Flamingo" bouquet of 17 pink carnations
"Flamingo" bouquet of 17 pink carnations – delivery in Ukraine
"Flamingo" bouquet of 17 pink carnations – order with delivery
899 uah
999 uah
Composition: 17 pink carnations, decoration.
Quality assurance: The flowers will last 5 days or we will replace the bouquet
Nearest delivery time for today: From 19:00, if order payment is up to 18:30.
Express delivery: in 30 min.
"Flamingo" mono-bouquet is made of 17 delicate pink carnations. Pink carnations on graceful, long stems are so similar to pink flamingos, the most charming and mysterious birds on the planet. Refined, elegant pink carnations are among the staminaiest and long-lasting cut flowers. In this, they resemble the amazingly hardy, fragile flamingos. Pink carnations are a symbol of mature, conscious, calm, honest and long-lasting love. A mono-bouquet of pink carnations will lift your mood and decorate any holiday. Pink carnations will please your favorite girl, wife, mother, daughter, sister. Bouquet "Flamingo" will be a pleasant surprise for a colleague or a favorite grandmother. Such a bouquet can be used for interior decoration, photo shoots, advertising shoots of cosmetics, lingerie, jewelry. "Flamingo" - a good choice for a birthday, prom, wedding, anniversary.
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