Bouquet "Pleasure"
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9 red roses 60 cm, 4 branches of white eustoma, 6 branches of alstroemeria, greenery, decoration.
Quality assurance: The flowers will last 5 days or we will replace the bouquet
Nearest delivery date: Dec 19th, 2024.
An original birthday bouquet is a combination of unique flowers. It reflects the uniqueness of the moment and the special joy that heralds the approach of the holiday. This bouquet is created to make every day special and bright, to give a smile and pleasure, filling the heart with warmth and light.
Bouquet "Pleasure" is the embodiment of magical beauty that will bring unforgettable joy and pleasure to its owner. Each flower speaks of exquisite taste and unparalleled beauty, creating a unique image. This bouquet gives a sense of celebration and uniqueness, enriching the day with festive emotions.
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