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Bouquet "25 roses Prince of Persia"
Bouquet "25 roses Prince of Persia" – delivery in Ukraine
Bouquet "25 roses Prince of Persia" – order with delivery
Composition: 25 roses of the Prince of Persia variety, decoration.
Quality assurance: The flowers will last 5 days or we will replace the bouquet
Nearest delivery time for today: From 09:00, if order payment is up to 08:30.
The charming bouquet "25 Prince of Persia roses" is a true masterpiece of floral art, created by the hands of real fairies. It combines the harmony of the natural beauty of pink roses and the elegance of design. Each rose is like a small fairy tale that will tell about your feelings better than any words.

This bouquet is the perfect way to express gratitude, tenderness and deep feelings. It is suitable for any important moment in life, be it a romantic evening, a birthday or a happy moment in life.

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