"Nina Ricci" bouquet
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10 branches of spray cream roses, 3 white orchid flowers, greenery, decoration.
Quality assurance: The flowers will last 5 days or we will replace the bouquet
Nearest delivery time for today: From 09:00, if order payment is up to 08:30.
The exquisite, luxurious floral arrangement “Nina Ricci” is composed of elegant white orchids and delicate cream spray roses, arranged in stylish cappuccino-colored wrapping with a white satin ribbon.
Majestic, mystical, and fairy-tale-like, the white orchids resemble butterflies that, having barely touched the stems, transformed into flowers. These magical, enchanting flowers almost don’t touch the ground with their roots, while clusters of their blossoms cover the sky. White orchids are beautiful, mysterious, and romantic. Their white color symbolizes love and prosperity.
Delicate cream spray roses are a delight and charm. The velvety petals of a creamy shade, gathered into buds of perfect, exquisite form, symbolize happiness, vitality, elegance, and perfection, spirituality, and divinity.
The arrangement of roses and orchids “Nina Ricci” is inspired by the creativity of the true woman, Nina Ricci.
A refined, always impeccably looking Italian in France, she has always been and remains a true symbol of beauty and elegance. A beautiful, talented woman who could turn simple things into masterpieces and transform ordinary clothes into works of art. Everything she did was characterized by completeness, exclusivity, sophistication, and femininity. The main leitmotif of her work was flowers – embroidered, sewn into fabric patterns, in jewelry and fragrances – symbols of good taste, refinement, luxury, and restrained elegance.
The luxurious bouquet “Nina Ricci” is a wonderful, touching gift for a birthday, anniversary, child's birth, or any special occasion.
The “Nina Ricci” flowers are the perfect choice for a romantic date, engagement, interior decoration, celebration, wedding, romantic dinner, meeting, reception, or romantic photo session.
Give flowers to your loved ones for any reason or no reason at all, and remember: “A woman’s beauty is not in a facial mode, but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows. The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years.”
Nina Ricci
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