Bouquet "I just love you"
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8 branches of pink and green spray chrysanthemums, 5 pink roses, 5 branches of pink spray rose, 5 branches of alstroemeria, greenery, decoration.
Quality assurance: The flowers will last 5 days or we will replace the bouquet
Nearest delivery date: Nov 11th, 2024.
Bouquet "I just love you" is a gentle and elegant expression of love and gratitude, presented in the form of a magical composition of flowers. Each flower in this bouquet is a reflection of the warmest feelings, and its exquisite appearance and harmonious combination of colors create a special atmosphere.
This bouquet is designed to reflect your warmest feelings and wishes. It symbolizes tenderness and care, which will help express your respect and love for the woman who is so special to you. Flowers for a woman's birthday will convey your tenderest feelings and gratitude.
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