"Glints of the Sun" bouquet
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Bright, delicate composition "Glints of the Sun" - composed of delightful yellow roses and airy inflorescences of mattiola, decorated in a stylish blue package with a yellow satin ribbon. Bright, large roses with amazing shades of rich yellow color - a golden alternative to the red classics. Yellow rose is the sunny queen of flowers. The color of sun, fire, gold - the color of energy, freedom, openness, optimism, inner peace and balance. Yellow roses are always warmth, luxury, richness, a mixture of honey and bright sunshine. In Japan, yellow flowers are given to successful and rich people as a sign of wealth, emphasizing their status. A delicate, airy background for the golden queen in the composition is white mattiola - a symbol of unfading beauty, refinement, good taste, happiness and summer. Yellow roses on a white background of mattiolas are golden glints of the sun, smelling of summer, happiness and honey. Bouquet "Glints of the Sun" symbolizes admiration, appreciation, love and friendship, family happiness, well-being. Such a composition will be a welcome gift to any woman with a wish of wealth, love, happiness. Such flowers will replace a thousand words and will be a good gift as a sign of reconciliation. Bouquet "Glints of the Sun" will warm your favorite mothers and grandmothers with its warmth and brightness. Yellow roses will be a nice gift on a birthday, anniversary, wedding anniversary, graduation ball, at a meeting of friends or close persons. The composition "Glints of the Sun" is a good gift for artists, famous people, musicians as a sign of admiration for talent, a wish for creative success. It can and should be given to relatives, friends or colleagues with a wish of health. Giving flowers is simply necessary in this complex world!
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