"Synevyr" bouquet
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The refined, delicate, and elegant bouquet "Synevyr" is composed of charming, mysterious, and tender blue lisianthus, wrapped in kraft paper with a cream satin ribbon.
Delicate and touching blue lisianthus flowers are fragile and enchanting, surrounded by graceful and fascinating stories and legends. For centuries, these delicate flowers have adorned the arid plains of South America. It was only thanks to breeders that the world was gifted this beautiful and unique flower, marking the beginning of a new era of admiration and spread of lisianthus across the globe.
Myths and legends accompany the lisianthus wherever it grows, and it has many names in different countries: Japanese, Irish, or French rose; Queen of the Prairies; Texas bellflower; and Mountain rose. Regardless of the name or place of origin, the lisianthus is always charming and elegant.
Its delicate "porcelain" buds, masterfully crafted from gentle petals as if woven from satin, rest upon slender, firm stems with emerald leaves, creating an atmosphere of grace and tenderness, impressing with their refined beauty.
Lisianthus is a feminine flower. Its elegance, beauty, and mystery are associated with purity and youth, often considered a flower that brings happiness, a talisman against misfortune. Lisianthus always retains its charm and uniqueness, leaving no one indifferent. Blue lisianthus with a violet tint symbolizes success, generosity, loyalty, and devotion. Their color resembles the stunning blue waters of Lake Synevyr. A lake of stunning beauty, where all the heavenly stars and the surrounding forest are reflected, makes you stand still in awe, overwhelmed by emotion, both day and night.
The beautiful bouquet "Synevyr," made of blue-violet lisianthus, is a lovely and touching gift for a loved one on their birthday, anniversary, or child's birthday. Lisianthus "Synevyr" is a perfect choice for a romantic date, engagement, romantic dinner, meeting, photoshoot, or professional celebration.
Give flowers! Spread smiles! Fill hearts with warmth and tenderness!
As someone once said:
"A small lake that you love becomes the biggest ocean to you."
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