"Garnet" bouquet
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9 red roses, 12 pink carnations, decoration.
Quality assurance: The flowers will last 5 days or we will replace the bouquet
Nearest delivery time for today: From 09:00, if order payment is up to 08:30.
Red roses and pink carnations are the perfect floral pairing. Fluffy petals of carnations elegantly matching with satin petals of roses and create a fantastic spectacle - an unusually beautiful bouquet "Garnet". Roses and carnations perfectly complement each other in texture and color. Coming together in the bouquet, they resemble precious garnets wich play by their own facets on sunlight. The garnet is a stone of lovers, the stone of passions, the hardened fire of the human heart. Red roses - flowers of passion and love. Pink carnations - flowers of motherly love. In a bouquet these flowers are a message of selfless, sincere, sublime feelings. Bouquet " Garnet" will be a good gift on the birthday of a beloved person. It will decorate any event: anniversary, graduation, wedding anniversary, engagement, photo session. Such a bouquet can be presented to a man, husband, boss.
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