"Galatea" bouquet of 11 white carnations
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11 white carnations, decoration
Quality assurance: The flowers will last 5 days or we will replace the bouquet
Nearest delivery time for today: From 09:00, if order payment is up to 08:30.
The "Galatea" bouquet of 11 white carnations is a beautiful way to express your feelings when words become superfluous. White carnations are so perfect and that it seems that nature created them from fine porcelain, just as Pygmalion once carved his Galatea from white stone. The simplicity and elegance of the bouquet show the giver's tenderness and sincerity. White carnations mean wishes of good luck, success, fulfillment of desires. You are given white carnations - it means you are considered a bright, positive and charming person. Bouquet of white carnations "Galatea" will decorate the image of the bride, will be a nice gift to the mother. White carnations will decorate any event, anniversary, birthday, project completion, photo session.
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