"Glace" bouquet
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Nearest delivery date: Dec 8th, 2024.
The exquisite composition "Glace" is made up of peach roses of the "Miss Piggy" variety, white carnations, cream spray roses, and white lisianthus, arranged in a stylish package with cream satin ribbons. The peach-pink "Miss Piggy" roses are full of charm, reflecting the nature, beauty, tenderness, and character of a woman. Refined, refreshing "Miss Piggy" roses are painted in warm, delicate pink and peach tones. In the language of flowers, peach-colored roses symbolize admiration, delight, joy, and happiness. Elegant, delicate cream spray roses with perfectly shaped flowers and velvety petals embody tenderness, purity, spirituality, and divinity. Luxurious white lisianthus complements the "Glace" composition. Their delicate, airy, quivering petals are gathered in stunningly beautiful buds, signifying tenderness, sophistication, and passion. The composition is harmoniously completed by delicate, expressive white carnations with lacy and fluffy buds, like a bride's dress, symbolizing purity, tenderness, and innocence. The luxurious "Glace" bouquet is done in warm, pleasant cream-peach and white tones. White carnations and lisianthus surrounded by cream and peach roses are like shy streams of ice cream blending into fragrant strong coffee, filling it, and the glace dessert acquires the pastel color of coffee with milk. Glace is the drink of aristocrats and the dessert of lovers. Everyone finds their own taste and aroma in it. The "Glace" bouquet is a luxurious gift for a loved one on their birthday, engagement, anniversary, wedding day, or graduation night. The "Glace" bouquet will adorn any festive event, romantic dinner, complement an engagement ring, and create a unique atmosphere for a romantic meeting.
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