Bouquet "31 red roses"
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31 red roses, height 50-60 cm, decoration.
Quality assurance: The flowers will last 5 days or we will replace the bouquet
Nearest delivery date: Jan 18th, 2025.
A beautiful bouquet of red roses is a sophisticated expression of feelings. Each rose is a bright symbol of passionate attachment. The red flowers in this bouquet are like a fire that burns in the heart and ignites emotions. Such a bouquet speaks without words about your unchanging loyalty and unsurpassed passion.
Each rose in this exquisite bouquet is a language of feelings that sounds powerful and unmistakable. Their rich red palette symbolizes not only deep love, but also devotion, loyalty and determination. This bouquet of 31 red roses is the best way to express your warmest feelings and make a special gift that will warm the soul and brighten the day.
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