Composition "Frosty Dawn"
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11 white roses, 3 white eustomas, 5 spruce branches, cotton, greenery, decoration.
Quality assurance: The flowers will last 5 days or we will replace the bouquet
Nearest delivery time for today: From 09:00, if order payment is up to 08:30.
"Frosty Dawn" is a fabulous bouquet that unfolds like the first ray of sunshine after a winter night. Dreamy roses in combination with delicate eustoma create an atmosphere of unique beauty and elegance. Shades of white express the purity and tenderness presented by this composition.
Very beautiful bouquets of roses are like a magical picture, where each flower is a separate accent of a frosty dawn right in your hands. It is ideal for those who value elegance and want to give a piece of winter beauty.
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