"Winter Pastoral" bouquet
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5 white roses, 3 spray cream roses, 3 white orchid flowers, 3 pine cones, 5 cotton, spruce branches, decoration.
Quality assurance: The flowers will last 5 days or we will replace the bouquet
Nearest delivery date: Dec 6th, 2024.
The season of New Year's celebrations brings decorated Christmas trees, ornaments, tinsel, the scent of pine and mandarins, traditions of giving and receiving gifts, adorning homes, and making wishes. New Year's festivities are also about winter bouquets and floral compositions paired with evergreen branches.
The elegant and festive bouquet "Winter Pastoral" is a wonderful choice for New Year and Christmas greetings. Crafted with white roses, creamy spray roses, delicate white orchids, fluffy cotton pods, and evergreen fir branches (Nobilis), accented with natural pinecones, this bouquet evokes the essence of snow and winter, bringing holiday charm to your home or table.
White orchids, with their refined elegance and pristine petals, are a stunning highlight of the "Winter Pastoral" bouquet. The lush blooms of white roses and velvety pearls of creamy spray roses form the centerpiece, radiating warmth, sophistication, and romantic feelings.
The softness of cotton pods adds a magical and feminine touch, while the aromatic fir branches, with their unique bluish-green hue and dense needles, provide volume, a festive palette, and a cozy holiday ambiance.
This winter bouquet is a delightful way to bring joy to loved ones, family members, or friends. "Winter Pastoral" is perfect for a holiday table centerpiece or as a stylish decoration for your home or office.
It's the season of magic! Give flowers, dream big, set your goals, and they will surely come true. Happy New Year!
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