Bouquet "Anticipation"
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10 branches of spray cream rose, 5 branches of pink eustoma, 2 pink orchid flowers, greenery, decoration.
Quality assurance: The flowers will last 5 days or we will replace the bouquet
Nearest delivery date: Dec 4th, 2024.
The “Horror” bouquet is decorated with delicate flowers, creating a unique and magical celebration mood. This bouquet inspires new feelings and emotions that fill the heart with warmth and happiness. A delicate bouquet of happy birthday flowers evokes a feeling of deep harmony and inner balance, giving bright emotions on this special day.
The "Anticipation" bouquet is an inspired choice for a special day, expressing tenderness and refinement of feelings. It consists of a spray rose and eustoma, representing deep emotions and care. Each flower in this bouquet, like a ray of light, reminds of the significance of shared moments and joy.
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