"Kate" bouquet
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The exquisite floral arrangement “Kate” is composed of elegant spray roses and delicate, magnificent pink chrysanthemums, arranged in stylish powdery packaging with a soft pink satin ribbon.
Elegant pink spray roses are unique representatives of the royal family. Amazingly attractive, pink roses are royally luxurious. They catch the eye, give warmth, a romantic aura, calmness, and tranquility. The pink shade of the flowers symbolizes romantic feelings, kindness, love, and passion. The pink color creates comfort and soothes. Pink spray roses are the perfect touch of beauty and elegance, capable of setting the mood for any celebration. They are classic, a symbol of love, grace, and admiration.
Pink chrysanthemums are the music of the ancient East, embodying health, long life, peace, kindness, and love. The pink chrysanthemum always represents femininity, with bright and joyful energy.
The bouquet “Kate” is absolute perfection, with flowers perfectly matched in color and meaning. Bright, harmonious, summery, festive, like girls in luxurious dresses on the runways of Paris fashion shows.
The bouquet “Kate” is a wonderful, touching gift for a birthday, anniversary, child's birth, or any special occasion.
The “Kate” arrangement is an excellent choice for a romantic date, engagement, wedding, creating a festive atmosphere at any celebration, romantic dinner, meeting, or romantic photo session.
Give flowers! Let the happy smiles of your loved ones fill your hearts with tenderness, your home with harmony, and your souls with warmth!
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