"Rose Alley" bouquet
9 pink roses, 9 white roses, 7 cream roses, decoration.
Quality assurance: The flowers will last 5 days or we will replace the bouquet
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- Express (in 30 minutes) 99 uah
The luxurious bouquet "Rose Alley" is composed of elegant white roses, delicate cream roses, and incredibly beautiful pink roses, wrapped in white paper with a soft pink satin ribbon.
Tender, pristine, and exquisite white roses are the royal members of the rose family. They have a unique hue with a slight greenish tint, a classic cup-shaped flower form, made up of ruffled, velvety petals. White roses symbolize sincere and faithful relationships, embodying greatness, harmony, understanding, purity, and youth. Their color holds a sacred significance, representing the divine, pure, and untouched by worldly concerns.
Cream roses, mysterious aristocrats, carry a rare, gentle cream shade. They always exude elegance, beauty, and sophistication in any setting. Their luxurious buds, composed of delicate petals, radiate warmth and surprise with their fragility, grace, and glamour. Cream roses are an undeniable symbol of youth, the eternal breath of spring, romantic relationships, gratitude, and respect.
Pink roses—fresh, tender, and elegant—are masterpieces crafted by nature. Their bright buds, with "porcelain" soft-pink velvety petals, speak of the blossoming of romantic feelings, happiness, joy, and the heartfelt emotions of the giver.
The stunning composition "Rose Alley" is lovingly assembled for those who are cherished and dear. Say "I love you" with this bouquet, gifting a "Rose Alley" that will win the hearts of the most discerning admirers of beauty.
The tender "Rose Alley" composition is a wonderful, touching gift for a loved one's birthday, anniversary, wedding, or the birth of a child.
The "Rose Alley" bouquet is a perfect choice for a romantic date, meeting, dinner, or photoshoot.
Gift your loved ones a rose alley! Let these stunning flowers be worthy of their recipients! For us, true sophistication is seeing our bouquets at your celebrations!
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