"15 yellow roses" bouquet
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15 yellow roses, decoration.
Quality assurance: The flowers will last 5 days or we will replace the bouquet
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Express delivery: in 30 min.
Express delivery: in 30 min.
The luxurious mono-bouquet arrangement is composed of 15 stunning, delicate yellow roses, arranged in stylish blue packaging with a yellow ribbon.
Yellow roses are among the brightest, most charming, and fairy-tale-like flowers, an alternative to the classic red. Yellow roses are perfect, they radiate love and cheerfulness. The large, amazing buds, with their classic cup shape, symbolize friendship, joy, and new beginnings.
Yellow roses always bring warmth, wealth, and a mix of delicious honey and bright sunshine.
The yellow color symbolizes happiness, care, trust, and infatuation. As the color of autumn, it embodies health, wisdom, and family well-being. As the color of gold, it represents success, prosperity, intelligence, and ambition.
Whether you receive them as a gift, give yellow roses yourself, or simply enjoy their beauty, they always bring positive emotions and a good mood.
A charming mono-bouquet of 15 yellow roses is a wonderful gift for loved ones, relatives, friends, and colleagues. It will adorn a birthday, romantic date, child's birthday, engagement, reunion after a long separation, or be a great gift for someone recovering from illness.
15 yellow roses will decorate any celebration, family holiday, romantic dinner, or photo session.
Brighten your or someone else's day with a beautiful bouquet of yellow roses. Delight your loved ones with a bouquet that fills everything around with light, joy, and warmth!
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