Bouquet "15 Prince of Persia roses"
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15 roses Prince of Persia, decoration.
Quality assurance: The flowers will last 5 days or we will replace the bouquet
Nearest delivery time for today: From 11:00, if order payment is up to 10:30.
Express delivery: in 30 min.
Express delivery: in 30 min.
Bouquet "15 Prince of Persia roses" is a gift full of grace and charm for a special woman. Each red rose symbolizes a deep feeling and respect for its beauty and sophistication, which cannot but be sung by these fabulous flowers. Their beauty seems to ignite in the fire of your passion.
A bouquet of roses is a sign of your love, which is reflected in the tenderness of the petals and their fragrance, creating a unique and unforgettable impression. Flowers for a woman's birthday will reveal your relationship to the recipient and create a special bond between you.
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Product reviews
06.09.2023 Чудова витончена троянда незвичного малинового відтінку "Принц Персії". Гарний розмір, Гарне пакування.Вчасна доставка. Дякую службі на гарний настрій !
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