Bouquet "13 white tulips"
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13 white tulips.
Quality assurance: The flowers will last 5 days or we will replace the bouquet
Nearest delivery date: Dec 7th, 2024.
Description of the bouquet:
White tulips also reflect the fidelity and constancy of relationships. Their delicate petals and graceful forms attract attention and create an atmosphere of harmony and warmth. This bouquet is perfect for any occasion - from birthdays to important life events.
A beautiful bouquet of tulips is a delicate and refined gift that clearly conveys your feelings and good intentions of the sender. Since ancient times, white tulips have symbolized purity, tenderness and eternal beauty. This bouquet will be an excellent way to emphasize the uniqueness and importance of a person close to you.
Cоmposition: 13 white tulips.
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