Bouquet of 5 roses "Memory Lane"
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5 roses - "Memory Lane" variety, eucalyptus, decoration.
Quality assurance: The flowers will last 5 days or we will replace the bouquet
Nearest delivery time for today: From 09:00, if order payment is up to 08:30.
These are flowers for the most beautiful person in your life. This unsurpassed bouquet will make you smile and rejoice, and remind you of your unwavering devotion. With this bouquet, you can express your warmest feelings and make your loved one's day even brighter.
This bouquet of 5 "Memory Lane" roses is the best way to express your feelings to the most beautiful person in the world. Each rose in this bouquet is a unique touch to your message of love. They are like little messengers of your heart that will tell about deep affection, will become a symbol of sincere feelings.
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Product reviews
05.09.2021 Дуже вишукана троянда, свіжа, з неймовірним тонким ароматом, кольору "фрез". У воді колір стає з бузковим відтінком. Неймовірне оформлення. Дякую за приємні враження.
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