101 rose Memory Lane (Kenya)
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101 rose Memory Lane 40 cm (Kenya), decoration.
Quality assurance: The flowers will last 5 days or we will replace the bouquet
Nearest delivery date: Oct 12th, 2024.
Description of the bouquet:
Memory Lane is a graceful flower that attracts the eye. The rose has a deep lilac-ash color and openwork edges. Light aroma, unusual color - that's all you need for a great gift! Don't ask yourself how many flowers to give for your birthday - choose a bouquet of 101 roses.
This bouquet is a real miracle that fascinates with its luxury and size. 101 Memory Lane roses, selected from the best, delicately embroidered shades, create a spectacular combination of beauty and grandeur. It will impress and surprise, conveying your deep feelings and best wishes.
* Offer valid until stock runs out
Composition: 101 rose Memory Lane 40 cm (Kenya), decoration.
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