Romantic bouquet "Between Heaven and Earth!"
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100 white roses, 51 branches of pink spray roses (the shade and variety of the rose may differ from the one shown in the photo).
Quality assurance: The flowers will last 5 days or we will replace the bouquet
Nearest delivery date: Nov 7th, 2024.
This flower arrangement is the best way to express your feelings. It speaks without words, it tells about your passion and dedication. The bouquet takes you to the world of the highest feelings and the most subtle sensations. If you are looking for the perfect way to say 'I love you', 'you are the best for me', then this bouquet is your best ally.
Romantic bouquet "Between heaven and earth!" - velvet sophistication embodied in flowers. A beautiful bouquet of bush roses, framed by delicate leaves, creates a feeling of the best spring morning. Each rose in this bouquet is a beautiful little moment of pure passion, love and romance.
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Product reviews
"Сногсшибательный букет покорит сердце даже самой неприступной красавицы!" Похоже это правда. Девушка была в шоке. Букет очень качественный и большой.
Красивый, свежий, качественный букет! Молодцы!
Удобно и очень быстро выполненный и доставлены вовремя!!! Чехия.
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