Bouquet "Fiery feeling"
11 red roses, 10 white tulips, greenery, decoration.
Quality assurance: The flowers will last 5 days or we will replace the bouquet
- Nearest (from 15:00, if order payment is up to 14:30) Free
- Express (in 30 minutes) 99 uah
The "Fiery feeling" bouquet is the embodiment of sophistication. Each rose included in this elegant ensemble, like a fire, blooms in shades of red, suggesting the uniqueness and expressiveness of love. This is a truly impressive bouquet, in which each flower is a small symbol of undying passion.
A beautiful bouquet of roses is ideal as a gift to express feelings, giving joy and emotions to its recipient. "Fiery feeling" is not just a bouquet, it is a creation that can turn any event into a special and unsurpassed one.
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