Bouquet "19 red Roses"
19 red roses, decoration.
Quality assurance: The flowers will last 5 days or we will replace the bouquet
- Nearest (from 17:00, if order payment is up to 16:30) Free
- Express (in 30 minutes) 99 uah
Some flowers will tell the recipient about your feelings, others emphasize individuality, but in any case, the recipient would get the warmth with which you are giving flowers. And beautiful bouquets of red roses are a classic that appeals not only to women, but also to men.
See also

1449 uah

1599 uah

1999 uah
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Все чудово, дякую за ваш сервіс і швидку доставку ?
Tetiana Romanenko
Замовляла квіти сестрі✨ все прийшло вчасно, букет такий як на фото
Велике велике дякую, за супер сервіс. Дружина здивовано задоволенна, і настрій на весь день . Велике вам дякую що ви есть.
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