"Christmas Lights" bouquet
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5 red roses, 3 branches of cotton, spruce branches, decoration.
Quality assurance: The flowers will last 5 days or we will replace the bouquet
Nearest delivery date: Dec 6th, 2024.
The original New Year's bouquet "Christmas Lights" is crafted from fragrant Nobilis fir branches, classic red roses, and natural cotton pods.
The Nobilis fir branches lend the bouquet its volume, holiday charm, and festive color palette. Their lush, bluish-green needles create a striking contrast with the vibrant red roses, whose rich crimson-burgundy hues, silky texture reminiscent of soft velvet, and large, graceful blooms symbolize elegance and sophistication. Together, the roses and fir branches create a visually stunning composition that leaves a lasting impression.
The inclusion of natural cotton pods adds a delicate and exotic touch to the bouquet. Their soft texture enhances the beauty of the roses and complements the vibrant Nobilis greenery. Cotton, a symbol of warmth and homey comfort, brings lightness and coziness to the arrangement, evoking a sense of magic and wonder.
New Year and Christmas are the most cherished and magical holidays, a time when the world is filled with love, joy, and smiles. It's a season of giving, decorating, and celebrating traditions, from preparing festive tables to adorning homes and offices.
The "Christmas Lights" bouquet is an excellent holiday gift for loved ones, parents, friends, neighbors, colleagues, or close relatives. It's an ideal choice for decorating a festive table or enhancing the seasonal interior of your home or office. This bouquet also makes a perfect prop for a romantic Christmas photo session.
The season of magic is here! Welcome it with flowers, make a wish, and may all your dreams come true in the New Year!
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